
Salicylic Peel

Salicylic acid peels aren’t a new approach. People have used salicylic acid peels for more than 2,000 years trusted Source in their skin treatments. The acid is …

Jessner Peel

The Jessner Chemical Peel is a superior treatment and a deeper peel designed to remove superficial layers of skin. This peel combines resorcinol, lactic acid …

Lactic Acid Peel

The Lactic Acid Peel is alpha hydroxy acid that exfoliates the outer layer of your skin to encourage new cell turnover. This particular chemical peel …

VI Peel Advanced

VI Peel Advanced is especially formulated to counteract the signs and effects of the natural aging process. The blend of ingredients used penetrates skin deeply …

VI Purify Precision Plus

VI Purify Precision Plus is the most comprehensive and advanced peel for treating acne and acne scarring. Like VI Purify the peel works by unclogging …

VI Peel Precision Plus

VI Peel Precision Plus is uniquely formulated to treat pigmentation damage to the skin. The Precision Plus Peel contains a powerful booster system targeted to …

VI Purify

​​​​​The VI Peel Purify is specifically formulated to be a highly effective treatment for acne, while also addressing a range of issues that patients may …

VI Peel

The VI Peel contains a synergistic blend of powerful ingredients suitable for a variety of skin types. This peel will help to improve the tone, …

SkinMedica Vitalize Peel

Appropriate for all skin types, this peel tackles mild skin imperfections and leaves behind vibrant, radiant-looking skin. This peel smooths the appearance of fine lines, …

SkinMedica Illuminize Peel

For Mild Imperfections * Minimal to No Downtime Appropriate for all skin types, SkinMedica’s Illuminize Peel is the gentlest SkinMedica Peel and best for first-time, …